Monday, September 19, 2011

The new constitution, Article 1: Thou shalt keep time

1. Being on time is late – being early is on time.
2. Despite your title you are not that important – respect other people's time we all have the same amount of time whether you are bottom of the food chain or a billionaire (reference President Paul Kagame)
3. Traffic is NO excuse to be late. Do what you have to do - get up 2 hours early, spend the night in town, move house, I ask you if you had to pick up a payment of Ksh 1 million would you let traffic hold you up?
4. Honour people by starting meetings on time.
5. If you walk in late to a meeting just say “Hello, keep going, I'll catch up.” You are the one who's late; don't inconvenience others to have to listen to you being given a recap of what has been covered so far.
6. If you don't have time to do something just say ‘no’ – no-one will think any worse of you.
7. Don’t just pop in to the event and say hi and duck out – create time to stay and network.
8. The time keeper at the wedding gets an F. Time management at weddings has GOT to change.
9. No matter how well you know your friends don’t take them for granted if you’ve set a time for the movie/dinner/lunch-date/cocktail/drink/tee-time/kick-off/out of town trip/ride to town – please respect them but no need to show up an hour early for that bash neither.
10. If you run a business and you say your opening hours are 10.00am – 5.00pm please scrupulously respect that and remember customers have a choice.
11. If you are putting an event or conference together don’t indicate a starting time of an hour early to give an allowance of 1 hour for late comers. Stick to your guns even if the room is empty (again reference Paul Kagame)
12. Myth buster – there is no such thing as African or Kenyan timing there is only poor manners.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. By the way I so feel this article. The way Kenyans keep time is so frustrating. Great rule. Always keep time and if you cant avoid being late call ahead and tell the other party you will be late.

  3. The Article is great! However, traffic as a valid excuse though is admissible at times. I have been severally messed up by unexpected traffic due to fallen trucks et al even after factoring it in when leaving!
