Yesterday I visited a well known electronics store in town to buy a computer part. For those not in the know, this store carries numerous electronics, computer parts, gadgets, phones etc. The set up is such that you have the shop assistants attending to the customers in a rather chaotic and noisy fashion all over the floor whilst in strategic corners around the shop the “owners” sit on chairs behind counters keeping a mindful eye on proceedings.
Whilst I was there, one of the owners was on his cell phone walking up and down whilst screaming all manner of obscenities at the unfortunate person on the other end of the line. Never mind the store was full of customers – this man was either oblivious to the fact or he wanted to make a point to everyone that he was not to be messed around with. You could cut the tension in the air with a knife it was so palpable. Customers were practically cowering and my jaw was literally on the floor as this guy was ranting and raving loudly in language that would make a soldier blush. I asked the sales person helping me if this was normal and he muttered under his breath that this happened practically every day.
Those of us who speak, write and coach others on business etiquette have declared rudeness to be rampant for some time and have seen the toll it has taken. Bullying, profanity and insensitivity are making work lives unpleasant and as a result, customer service and productivity are suffering. It goes without saying that good manners in the workplace need to come from the top. When the tone is set from the top down, civility becomes part of the company culture. Leave alone the effect on customers (I for one will never shop there again) but studies show that 12% of all employees choose to leave rather than put up with this kind of uncivil behaviour – a clear impact to how efficiently a business runs.
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