Many of the soft skills I talk about may seem basic or self evident but I make no apologies for that because sometimes we need a friendly nudge in the right direction every once in a while – and it is true that soft skills have become the number one criteria for career advancement and success in a world where increasingly everybody has the same level of education and even technical ability.
I flew to Zanzibar earlier this week on a regional airline which shall remain nameless except to say their colours are white and orange. A good strong smile is a winning asset in any business but especially in the hospitality or travel industry – something this airline’s cabin and ground crew definitely need to work on. A smile will not only influence how someone reacts to you face to face, but it will also warm your voice. For example while giving the safety announcement demo on the airline – believe me people would take more notice if you smiled while doing it.
It is amazing what effect a really bright smile can have. It can light up a plain face, and more importantly, break down the invisible barriers that exist between us all. Our expressions can have a material effect on the way we think and the way we feel. Want to be remembered? A smiling face is an appealing face, giving an agreeable first and lasting impression. Someone who doesn’t smile is quickly forgettable.
According to body language expert Carol Kinsey Goman whatever task you undertake physical or mental when you grimace or frown while doing it, you are sending your brain the message, “This is really difficult. I should stop.” The brain then responds by sending stress chemicals into your bloodstream. And this creates a vicious circle: the more stressed you are, the more difficult the task becomes. When you smile, your brain gets the message, “It’s not so bad. I can do this!”
I’m not advocating grinning like an idiot 24/7, but smiling is contagious and no matter how grave the meeting or bored with your job you are (note to the cabin crew girls) a smile can change the other person’s emotional state in a positive way. The reverse is also true. Try smiling at security guards, waiters, anyone in the service industry and note the change in customer service. Life is too serious anyway so it’s worth a try!
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