Sunday, October 7, 2012

How a power pose can affect your next meeting

Changing your body language can actually change body chemistry, research shows

Want to be more successful in your next business meeting? Try striking a "power pose," by standing tall and straight with an open posture. And whatever you do don't hunch over and make yourself "tiny," says Amy Cuddy, an associate professor at Harvard Business School. Body language is especially important for women, who can easily be overshadowed in meetings by men, who naturally take up more space.

But Cuddy, who has done years of research on the topic, says both men and women can use body language to actually raise their testosterone levels and lower the levels of the anxiety-producing hormone cortisol.
Cuddy's views on the subject have gone viral after she told her own moving story before a packed audience at a TED conference earlier this year.

The speech became a ‘moment’ at the conference when Cuddy became overcome by emotion in describing her own experience counseling a young woman who thought she “did not belong” in business school.
“Stay and fake it, you’re going to make yourself powerful. And you know you’re gonna…,” Cuddy said, suddenly pausing and stopping, tears welling in her eyes.  A supportive audience coaxed her on with extended applause and she regained her poise. "And you're going to go into the classroom, and you are going to give the best comment ever." The student overcame her doubts and became a success “because she had not just faked it until she made it. She faked it until she became it.”

Cuddy went through her own crisis of confidence in becoming an advocate of body language as a transformative process.  A victim of a traumatic car accident while she was in college, she displayed signs of brain damage and was told she would not be able to finish college. She dropped out for a time.
A college adviser who saw her innate intelligence and wanted to help her back onto a successful academic track told her she needed to work on her confidence by speaking in front of people.
“Just do it and do it and do it, even if you are terrified,” was the advice she took to heart as she rose through the ranks of teaching and became known for her research. Cuddy in an article on, suggested business people should "should be walking around the hallway, putting your arms up."
"Sit at your desk and put your feet up on it," she said, offering an example of the "power pose." "Stand on your tiptoes with your hands in the air. When you go into a sales meeting, you want to be as squared off and tall as you naturally can be. If you're sitting down, you might consider not crossing your legs."
Cuddy said the tendency to hunch over and make yourself small, protecting against outsiders, is an instinct that dates back to primates in the jungle and even a few rungs lower in the animal kingdom, Cuddy says.
By acting more powerful and pumping yourself up, people can learn to change she says.  She tells people to “audit your own body.” “It’s not being fake,” said Sims Wyeth, of Sims Wyeth & Co in Montclair, N.J., a speech coach who has worked on the front lines with executives.  “It’s really you, but it’s an unfamiliar you that you start to understand.” The process of “becoming assertive and confident” is a problem for both genders, especially in speaking in front of people, he said.“I see it in a lot of men and women,” said Wyeth. “It doesn’t what you are like physically. Tall men sometimes feel awkward because they stand out.”
The transformative process that Cuddy talks about has been valuable for many women, he said. But men have their own issues to overcome, even if they are different ones.“They are peacocks. It’s not about swagger. It’s about avoiding all affectation and showing calm, not anxiety. Your body posture is an important part of that.” Cuddy argued passionately that learning to be more confident can “significantly change the outcome of your life”

By Richard Satran, TODAY contributor
From LifeInc on Today
Read the full article here

Friday, September 28, 2012

Assessing our politicians and their public image

Politicians need to be concerned with their public image as they are with the actual business of politics. They are the vehicle for explaining the issues and proposing solutions – that vehicle packages the message and becomes the message itself. The astute aspirant should be examining the way they present themselves in public in order to be ready when voters ask: Do you fit the image of what I want my public representative to look like? more here from the Star Newspaper

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Tipping is not a city in China

Lets face it in Kenya tipping is not the order of the day.  Ok, so maybe we’ll give the security guy 20 bob for looking after our vehicle in town but generally for most services tipping or leaving a gratuity is never considered.   So then, does it mean that we will never receive good service if we don't pay "extra"?  Is this a practice connived to bribe service providers to give faster and better service to particular people and not to others? And if so what is the difference between a bribe and a tip? I think it’s as simple as this; a tip is usually a monetary thank you for a service provided in an exceptional manner. 

The tip in my opinion is not only a sign of appreciation for the services rendered to you but also has motivational connotation to it. Whether at a restaurant, a shoe shop, or the parking lot a show of reward for any service given to you should be offered. 

So when and where should it be done? And who receives the tip?  Well, any person who extends a service to you should receive a tip, be it at the local barber shop or salon, your friendly pub waiter or waitress, the dial-a-delivery guy, taxi driver, the list goes on.  The tip is offered immediately the service has been rendered and you have found it satisfactory. This is not to say that if it isn't then you shouldn't offer anything, by all means DO tip. The differentiation will be the amount given - more for exceptional service and less for service that is found wanting. 

Another point to note is that the percentages of your tips should not change because of the cost of the service. Let's take a hair dresser, for example. Of course, you can always tip on the lower end of 10 to 15%. (see the guide below). But if you are going to a more expensive salon, then it is assumed that you can still afford to tip the hairdresser at the desired percentage. Also tip those who serve you all year long or with whom you have a personal relationship at Christmas time.  

If wondering how much to tip here’s a rough and quick guide for typical services:

Hair dressers and barbers: 10 to 15 percent of the bill

Waiters 5 to 10 percent of the bill, 15 percent and above for excellent service.

Car wash attendants 10 to 15 percent of the cost

Security guards 30 to 50 shillings

Security guards at home or work (at Christmas) 2 weeks to one month’s pay

House help, domestic help, nanny, cook, gardener etc (at Christmas) 2 weeks to one month’s pay

Hotel concierge 300 to 1500 shillings either upon arrival or departure for any special services performed

Delivery person 30 to 50 shillings

Facial, spa treatment or any personal grooming service 10 to 15 percent of the bill unless instructed not to tip

Tour guide driver 400 to 1000 shillings per day

Golf caddies 15-20 percent of the greens fees for eighteen holes

Parking attendant 20-50 shillings 

Shoe shine attendant 20-50 shillings

Taxi driver 5 to 10 percent of the fare

Personal tutors, instructors, teachers, etc (at Christmas) a small gift

Porters at the airport, bus stage or railway 50 to 100 shillings per bag

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Why you should never say "All protocols observed"

1. It is clearly a lie.
In essence you have NOT observed all protocols. It is just a claim that the necessarily rules of decorum have been observed but we all know protocol was overlooked altogether. Consider this, if you had been asked to pass a vote of thanks, would you thank one or two people and then state “All thanks given?”

2. There are other ways to observe protocol without having to mention each and every dignitary present.
One way is clustering: You can use a general phrase to address all that fall within a certain category – honourable delegates, distinguished ladies and gentlemen, your excellencies, my Lords etc. That way due diligence is paid.

3. It is a home-grown expression, unrecognised by the rest of the world.
Other than Kenyans, Nigerians, Ugandans and some South Africans who have become accustomed to hearing this, the expression remains totally alien to the rest of the world. Your audience will be at a loss as to what you mean; and as to why you have opted for that ‘short-cut.’

4. It is not necessary to use that expression when protocol has indeed been observed.
At times the speaker does indeed take his or her time to mention the dignitaries in the audience in order of precedence but spoils it by concluding the list with “all protocols observed.” If protocol has indeed been observed then that will be apparent to the audience and therefore redundant to include that out-of-place phrase.

Guest post from
Caroline Nderitu

Sunday, July 29, 2012

The Office Faux Pas


I’ve worked with executives and professionals in many companies on protocol and business etiquette. I have heard first hand of stories ranging from the senior manager who began eating directly from the serving trays at the buffet table to someone who applied his deodorant stick during a meeting. Some of these examples may show a lack of self-awareness. You probably don't mean to blunder — but you don't know any better. So acknowledge that, chances are, you may be making business etiquette mistakes that you'd want to correct if only you knew about them. How do you find out? Well one way is to ask for feedback. I receive tons of questions either through email or during my sessions on all areas of business etiquette. I thought I’d share with you some choice ones I have recently received. The names have been changed to protect the guilty.

Q: I just started working at this company. I was using the men’s room when the CEO walked in to use the facilities himself. I wasn’t sure what to do or how to act?

A: The first rule of the men’s room is let others (CEO or no CEO) handle their business in peace. The men’s room ideally should be a place of respite from the madding world outside of the office. So avoid lengthy conversations on the sales meeting figures or the colour of Dan’s new tie. A cursory nod, acknowledgement or brief greeting will suffice. You should let the CEO finish his pit stop and say a quick good morning while you are both washing hands. You do wash your hands afterwards don’t you!

Q: Derek, I am going for a business meeting with a potential client at a Chinese restaurant and I have no idea how to use chops sticks. Help!


A: Don’t panic Ken, even though they do say when in Rome do as the Romans do. Most Chinese restaurants will give you conventional silverware to use and it’s better to stick with what you know than to struggle picking one grain of rice at a time. Do yourself a favour however and practice on your own and impress your client next time with your chop stick dexterity.

Q: Hi, I am a senior manager for this multinational company and the bosses from the head office in Europe were visiting. In the process of hugging and pecking as I was greeting them, my lipstick rubbed off on the Vice President’s collar just before he was going in to the meeting. I was mortified – what should I have done? Anne

A: Well, in the first place I would have avoided kissing as a way of greeting. The approved skin on skin contact in a professional setting is the handshake. If you know that Hans will insist on pecks then prepare in advance and either don’t wear lipstick that day or blot it off before you meet him. Either that or hang out with society types and learn the art of air kissing. Lipstick is made up of pigments, oils, waxes, and emollients meaning it is infernally difficult to remove without resorting to removing the shirt and washing it or using other products. This I presume being impossible under the circumstances, I would have apologised profusely to Hans and made arrangements then and there to buy or procure him another shirt.

Q: When I go out for a meeting in the morning hours there is this client who insists on buying me alcohol. Is it appropriate to accept or should I politely decline?

A: I think you know the answer to this one; I’m not sure in which business culture it is considered kosher to start drinking in the morning, certainly not here in Kenya. You can come up with any number of excuses for why you don’t drink alcohol and this will not make you any less of a man. Just be unfailingly polite.

Q: My boss and I had gone to a client’s office to make a business presentation. As he began speaking I noticed his zipper was wide open. I decided not to say anything in front of the client. Was this the right thing to do? Njeri

A: This is a tough one Njeri – good business etiquette dictates that it is a mistake to not say anything. But you also don’t want to embarrass him in public. Depending on how long he is speaking for, I’d advise that you tell him very quietly as soon as he sits down or even slip him a note. The cost of not telling could be high if it appears that you knew and kept quiet. If you're embarrassed, get someone else to do it. The trick here is to save him from embarrassment in front of the client and to limit his exposure.


Thursday, July 19, 2012

The business of alcohol


I’ll be the first to admit that a little booze in the system makes for an honest, wittier, more stimulating conversation but in business take your cues from your company culture and the behaviour of your co-workers. Observe if successful people you work with drink at company events or how much they drink.  If you do not drink for personal, religious or philosophical reasons, there is no need to. Neither should you feel the need to offer any explanation, if someone asks you why you are not drinking alcohol, you can respond with "I much prefer this right now." Then move the conversation onto another topic. When you are not sure if the other people will be drinking, play it safe and order something non-alcoholic.  

When unwinding with co-workers or fellow professionals it’s okay to have few drinks to loosen up or relax and not seem prudish especially in a party type setting.   Everyone’s body chemistry is different but do know your limits, when to say enough is enough, when to call it a night and go home. Consider the effects of drinking too much on your relationships with your co-workers, your professional reputation, the office gossip mill, and your own view of yourself. 

Maybe the only thing worse than making a drunken fool of yourself with your co-workers or professional peers is showing up late to work the next day (or not at all), clearly hung over and unable to function. Not only will you be seen as irresponsible, you may be costing your company and clients a lot of money. One way to avoid this is once you make your drink decision for the night, stick to that poison all night. Bouncing all over the place from vodka to gin to whisky to beer to wine only leads to trouble and a leaden head the next day.  Another important thing to remember is that as you get older, your recovery time takes longer. Things I could do at 22 I cannot do at 32, like shots. Shots to me are always a turning point in the evening between relaxed fun and things rapidly going downhill. So save the tequila shots for when you are on holiday with your best friends and not with your co-workers.

Ideally when you are entertaining a client, you shouldn’t drink or you should limit yourself to only one drink if they are going to have a drink. If they do not order an alcoholic beverage, you probably shouldn’t either. Realize that you are on show as a representative for your company. Remember its one thing to celebrate great work together in the appropriate setting, quite another to have regular liquid lunches with potential or existing clients. Alcohol loosens our inhibitions so be aware of drinking and hitting on co-workers or clients or getting over amorous with them. Sure it sounds obvious, but it happens all the time and a move on the wrong person could be potentially fatal to you and your career. So avoid setting yourself up by having too many drinks.

Another good rule to employ is to say to yourself, “I’ll have one less.” Instead of the usual, “Let’s have one more,” just say to yourself “I’m going to have one less.” It’s a good rule of thumb. Don’t be that person closing the party at 4am in the morning when the cleaners are coming in. And if you hear the words open bar – go against the grain and start off with juice or a soft drink rather than join the scrum for the free Heineken. Delaying the inevitable as long as possible will help you drink less.

 “Leta Tusker mbili” should not be your mantra at every cocktail, business lunch, networking event or even after a round of golf – you know there are other more sophisticated choices out there. How you present yourself outside the office is just as important as it is at work. What you order can say a lot about you. This is especially for the new hires and upcoming professionals, your take on alcohol should change now that you are no longer in college and a steady pay check and adulthood has opened up a whole new world.  I’d strongly recommend that you take the time to educate yourself in the world of wines.  Wine is the go-to-choice for having alcohol at a business or company event.

So be smart, drink responsibly, and remember that while you may like your co-workers, they aren’t your friends from college and are less reliable to carry your drunken self back to the car or call you a cab nor should they be. Cheers!

Monday, May 28, 2012

Is business dress dying?

Do you think dressing casually costs you points in the business world? Is business dress a dying breed in the corporate culture of today? A recent article published on MSNBC, talked about Facebook CEO, Mark Zuckerberg and how his “casual” way of dressing was losing his company investors on Wall Street:

Mark Zuckerberg’s shaggy, baggy, haute-hoodie Manhattan appearance to launch the campaign for his company’s initial public stock offering didn’t induce any “likes” from Wall Streeters or fashionistas — only the kinds of catty critiques that typically season Facebook’s chatter. But some style gurus believe Zuckerberg calculatedly donned his normal dorm-frumpy garb to send New York’s financiers a crisp message: “The West Coast techies truly fuel this economy, and you will now live by our rules (and our dress codes).”“He sort of thumbed his nose at that establishment, essentially saying that high tech is now moving into Wall Street. They’re young, they’re hip and they’re here,” said Joseph Rosenfeld, a San Jose–based “image mentor,” who helps rising dot-com stars and established Silicon Valley tycoons carve out personal styles. But Zuckerberg is not alone. There are many high-profile CEO’s that dress down and don’t sport a business suit.

The Facebook CEO’s scrappy duds certainly reflect a wrinkled “we’re-typing-code-all-night!” look common at the hustle-and-sweat startups of Silicon Valley and beyond. Other notable followers include entrepreneurs like Craig Newmark (founder of Craigslist), Dennis Crowley (co-founder of Foursquare), Andrew Mason (founder of Groupon) and Reid Hoffman (co-founder of LinkedIn). The untucked look has been the high-tech fashion norm since the days when Apple co-founders Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak tinkered with their first prototypes in Jobs’ garage. When Apple hit the big time, Jobs didn’t change his look. For major launch events, he always strolled stages wearing his trademark black turtleneck and blue jeans. “At one time, that black turtleneck was a very striking, nonconformist look,” Bryant said. “But if we leap from business suit to black turtleneck to hoodie, you can easily see that Mark Zuckerberg’s cohort doesn’t feel that dress makes a strong statement. (Hoodies, T shirts and jeans are) just what they’re comfortable wearing. That’s really become their uniform.”

What do you think? Do you think dressing casually is okay today or does business dress still matter? In all my experience, I can safely say business dress does count in the corporate workplace. How you dress affects how you are perceived. Understand that the people mentioned above ‘want’ to be perceived in a certain way. But show up like that for an interview and it won’t be perceived well. Although business casual dressing is accepted by many companies today, there are still some rules to follow at work, and I can guarantee you’ll be taken aside by your boss for a one-on-one if you sport a “don’t care” attitude and don’t adhere to those rules.

The bottom line is if you’ve made it then you can get away with ‘casual’ or whatever your preferred style is. But if you’re still making your mark (like most of us) business dress plays a critically important role in getting ahead in the business world.

This article appeared on

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Out and about at the movies

The buzz in town is the new 3D screen at the heart of the central business district, which I had the pleasure of attending and caught the WRATH OF THE TITANS in its full splendor. I enjoyed good seating and a great movie thanks to the revamped theatre, awesome sound and much to my relief, the good manners observed by the patrons themselves. Being a movie junkie, I have come across one too many annoying habits during my escapades to the movie theatre. I here by write to you dear readers the do’s and don’ts at the movies so that when you go out to watch the next flick, you can participate in creating an enjoyable experience as I had for those around you. 1. Before the movie - Arrive at the theatre at least ten minutes before the movie starts. This will allow you to buy your snacks at the concession stand in good time and have your seat in the theatre so that you don’t have to distract people watching when you take your seat ten minutes into the movie. Even the bootleggers will appreciate this. - Take time to go to the rest room before the movie begins. - When you are seated and all ready to start watching your movie, take out your cell phone and turn it off or on silent. The worst thing that could happen is for your phone to go off in the middle of the movie and play out the ringtone you just installed. 2. During the movie Once you are all set to have the next two hours consumed by the motion feature, there are still some elements of movie manners that must be observed; - Just because you turned off your phone does not mean that you will not have a conversation. The person next to you may prove to be as entertaining as the movie itself…resist it. Do not have a conversation with your neighbors because this will distract other watchers. Save anything lengthy that you have to say for the end of the movie. - The PDA factor. Even though going out for a movie with your girlfriend/wife/partner is one of those special moments together, please avoid public displays of affection, and note that just because the lights are turned off doesn’t mean that you can’t be seen. Save the heavy petting for your bedroom. - Carrying your own food to the theatre is normally against the theatre policy, and we do know this for a fact. That’s why all foreign food that sneaks its way into the theatre does so in big handbags or backpacks. The smell of rice and beans at the theatre can be off putting, even nauseating to fellow patrons. Avoid embarrassing moments for yourself as well by not getting caught with foreign food at the theatre and having to get kicked out. - If you must go to the bathroom in the middle of the movie, do not go announcing that you are doing so. A simple whispered “excuse me” will suffice. Make your way quietly out of the hall and when you get back make your way to your seat quietly as well. - When the movie seems to be the funniest thing that you have seen in ages, by all means laugh. But even as you do, be mindful of the people around you and keep it decent. Bellowing your guts out in the name of laughter is just unseemly. - When you are eating, do not throw your eating manners out the window. Chew with your mouth closed. Avoid munching away at crisps as it is distracting. Find a seemingly silent way to go about it. - Keep your shoes on and feet to yourself. 3. After the Movie The movie is over! Now what? -Be courteous to those around you and allow those ahead of you to move out first before you do. Don’t shove your way out! - Carry out your trash with you and throw it in the bin that you will find just outside the hall. -You can finally turn your phone back on once the movie is over, whether still in or out of the theatre doesn’t really matter. -Call back anyone that you need to but do so outside the hall to avoid any loud back ground music still playing from the movie just ended. Enjoy your movie experience and even more so, make it enjoyable for others. Article by Joyce Muthoni (Associate Director Public Image)

Sunday, March 18, 2012

The elevator pitch

“What do you do?” or "Tell me about yourself" These questions are perfect opportunities for the delivery of a concise, informative and intriguing summary of your area of expertise in business. It is also a great way to invite more follow up and in depth dialogue while networking. The elevator pitch can create new business for yourself and also allow you to put your best foot forward for any career advancement opportunities or new job prospects.

A good elevator pitch includes:

a) A hook. This is the ingredient that grabs your listeners attention and makes them want to know more.

b) Clear. Use language that everyone understands. Steer clear of technical jargon, sheng, mother tongue etc.

c) Powerful. Use words that are powerful and strong to express authority and competence in what you do.

d) Visual effect. Use words that create a visual image in your listeners mind. This will make your message memorable.

e) Concise. Your pitch should take no longer than 30-60 seconds.

The key to any successful speech is preparation. Write it out, recite it in front of your mirror, say it to your friends and go over it again until you feel comfortable with it.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Called in for the interview - now what?

Statistically, interview decisions are made within the first sixty seconds before the candidate has even opened their mouth! How you walk, how you say ‘hello’ and how you are dressed all go to form a positive or negative image. There are several things interviewers for any position will look out for:

* First impressions
* Relevant experience
* Necessary skills
* Reason for applying
* Preparation

Recognised qualifications may be required for many careers in industry, but for any post, the first impression must be a positive one. You have to bear in mind the number of applicants applying for most appointments these days, so you only have a few minutes to make your mark, to create a positive image. So what makes for a successful interview? The most important thing is preparation. For many jobs you must look right and have a smart business like appearance, but it all depends on the position you are seeking. If, for instance, you have a ring in your nose, providing you look business like and are smart it should not be an issue; on the other hand, it could awake in-built prejudices within the interviewer. So be aware and do your research beforehand!

A successful interview will flow, and you will achieve a good rapport with your interviewer. Eye contact is very important as we cannot tell what someone thinks or means unless we look into their eyes. They really are the window of the soul, so respond to the person who has asked the question; even if that person is busy writing notes, they are still listening. Listening skills are essential for you too; an interview can be thrown off course if you answer the question you thought you heard rather than the one that was asked. It sounds obvious, but it's surprising how many people (usually through nerves) rush into an answer. Listen not only to the question, but to the question behind the question.

Remember - the first process is rejection - the second is selection.
* Know what you are applying for.
* Don’t send any projects or proof of work unless requested to do so
* Fill in application form properly - don’t just say ‘refer to CV’
* Find out as much as possible about the organisation and what it does
* Talk to people who work in that industry to find out what the job entails
* Find out what makes a person successful in that job
* Use as many contacts as you can
* Be honest in your CV - don’t build up your experience as the interviewer will see through it. Make sure it is well presented
* Go online, read relevant magazines or talk to the HR department to find out more.
* If information isn’t forthcoming demonstrate that you have tried to find it
* Have an early night!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

It's a gym thing

It’s February already and congratulations to all of those who are still working hard on their New Year resolutions which include working out. However to the newbie’s or those who may have forgotten the gym is public area and there may be one or two things to bear in mind i.e. what is the correct gym etiquette. Along with all the new faces at the gym, comes the inappropriate gym etiquette. Here are my recent observations:
I am certain I'm not the only one who has seen, shall we say, surprising wardrobe choices at the gym, from leather shoes to pyjamas to ‘barely present at all’ clothing. When coming to exercise at a gym, some sort of athletic garb is most appropriate; running shoes, shorts and a t-shirt is an ensemble that always works well, and doesn’t attract too much attention or make you uncomfortable. Keep your clothing modest and make sure your stuff is clean before you even set out for the gym. Re-wearing previously worn gym clothes is never a good idea. You’re going to sweat if you put in a good work out, that’s a given but there is a distinct difference between fresh sweat and not cleaned in two days sweat – it’s just not fair to others to have to trail in your funk. But DON’T overdo it and come reeking of cologne or perfume either; it’s a gym not a birthday bash.
There is nothing more gross and frustrating than getting to your exercise machine of choice to find it covered in someone else’s juicy efforts. Clean up after yourself: Wipe down your equipment each time you use it. No-one wants to sit in your sweat. Carry a towel with you wherever you go. Whether you are done with a cardio machine or any piece of equipment and you left behind a serious pool of sweat, please wipe it down with the towels and alcohol spray that is available at all gyms (I hope, at least).
I may not be competing for the Olympics but generally when I come to the gym it’s to work out in under an hour and get out to carry on with the rest of my life. This one gets my goat – the guy (or gal) working out on the treadmill while chatting into a cell phone. Unless it's an emergency, save your chit chat and business calls for after your workouts. Leave your mobiles and BlackBerry’s in the locker. I’ve never understood the people who come to socialize at the gym. I would think after shelling out anywhere between 6k and 10k a month in gym fees you would want to get the most out of your hard earned cash – and gossiping around the water fountain or laying on the mats to exchange the latest on the Ocampo 4 is probably not the best use of your training time methinks. Sure a few words to your fellow gm goers on how much weight they’ve lost is not misplaced but please don’t turn the gym into a kamkunji.
Ok let me fess up, I may be guilty of this one - grunting and yelling when lifting weights is completely unnecessary, and in fact can pose a safety hazard for those around you who may actually be lifting a relatively heavy load and are trying to concentrate. Note to self, keep it down. When the gym becomes very busy, as mine has been recently, it becomes difficult to get your routine completed given the traffic. If you are using a bench, and are combining with other exercises performed all over the gym or are taking long breaks between each set, share the equipment, allow others to work in on the equipment with you. These days most of my exercises are done “working in” on equipment someone is already using. If you're doing multiple sets on a machine, it's common courtesy to let others work in during your rest periods. This may not always be practical, but offer to share whenever you can. After you finish using a bar, unload your weight bar, leave it completely empty. And replace the weights on the rack instead of leaving them strewn all over the place like dirty clothes in your bedroom. Another notable faux pas and this may be personal but stop treating the changing room like your bathroom at home. And by this I mean the gym changing room may be the one place outside of the bedroom where we can flaunt what nature blessed us with (or not, which is why we’re working out in the first place) but please cover up with the towel every once in a while. It’s like watching a car crash you want to cover your eyes but you can’t help but look and then you instantly wish you hadn’t.